Boeing CEO Testifies Before Senate Subcommittee

Senators express skepticism over claims that the company is ready to address safety concerns.

The outgoing CEO of Boeing, David Calhoun, testified before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations on Tuesday, defending the operations of the airplane manufacturing company after several high-profile passenger plane failures. 

“Much has been said about Boeing’s culture. We’ve heard those concerns loud and clear. Our culture is far from perfect, but we are taking action and making progress,” Mr. Calhoun told committee members. “I know full well that this is an industry where we simply must get it right, every time.”

The chief executive maintained his denial against allegations that the company has consistently skirted airplane safety assessments in order to make higher profits on quicker manufacturing, but legislators were unconvinced by his assertions. 

“Mr. Calhoun, you were brought in to turn this company around,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, the chairman of the subcommittee. “But instead of asking what has caused Boeing’s safety culture to erode, you and your colleagues in the C-suite have deflected blame, looked the other way, and catered to your shareholders instead. Boeing needs to stop thinking about the next earnings call and start thinking about the next generation.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Chair Blumenthal to receive God’s wisdom as he heads the Senate subcommittee.
  • For discernment for members of Congress as they seek to hold the company accountable for the numerous safety issues of its airplanes.

Sources: Reuters, NBC News


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